Archive For June, 2016



It is not always easy to maintain your integrity especially when we’re hurt. However, choosing to do the things you’re too scared to do, not saying something hurtful when it’s all to easy too and acting in accordance with your…

Prayer and Song

Prayer and Song

Music has one of the highest vibrations on this planet especially when prayer and song are combined together. Lately, my soul has been going through some deep transformations and my heart has been grieving. Prayer has given me the strength…

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation

Paramahansa Yogananda taught, “Stillness is the altar of spirit.” A lifetime ago, I did not pray and mediation was a weird, mystic guru pleasure. Now, my life without prayer and meditation is meaningless. I can have all the wealth, success…



Can you have a relationship with someone who is dishonest? You can’t! In fact, you can however the dishonesty would lend itself to resentment, fear, control, manipulation and desperation. Doesn’t sound like too much fun! If there is no trust…

Spiritual Fire

Spiritual Fire

What are you worth? What kind of life do you want for yourself? Your soul has a deep knowing of what is best for you. Creating a contract for yourself as to what you want and do not want in…

Grateful Attitude

Grateful Attitude

A grateful attitude is attractive! People who are upbeat and happy are enjoyable to be around. Their attitudes are welcoming and inspiring. Seeing the good in life will attract more things to be grateful for. If a person focuses on…

Knock Em Out

Knock Em Out

The best revenge is a life lived happy! Not everyone is going to like you, not everyone is going to talk kindly about the way you live your life; c’est la vie! Albert Einstein once said, “Great spirits have always…

Healthy Kitchen

Healthy Kitchen

I read a quote in Oxygen magazine this month, “If you have healthy food in your fridge, you’ll eat healthy.” It makes sense if you keep your kitchen stocked with healthy foods, you’ll most likely eat more nutritious foods. Having…

Honor Your Ancestors

Honor Your Ancestors

Living our lives with integrity on a daily basis does take conscious effort. I like to think of my ancestors, and I think would the decisions I’m making honor them. My Granny often says, “It’s easy to be bad, it’s…