

It is not always easy to maintain your integrity especially when we’re hurt. However, choosing to do the things you’re too scared to do, not saying something hurtful when it’s all to easy too and acting in accordance with your value system allow you the opportunity to maintain your integrity. How another person acts is not something you can control or take responsibility for. You are responsible for your behavior. I learned a beautiful teaching this week and it is to be kind. Be kind, no matter what! Be kind in the words you say because your words are your karma.

We all have sick people in our lives. And, their sickness can affect us if we allow it to. If you stay within your power, and act in line with your value system all the chaos and frustration created by others shall pass. The age old wisdom, “This too shall pass” is a saying that can give you strength in those moments when you want to act out in fear and frustration. We all have our own paths to walk and the choices we make determine our futures. Walk softly with your head held high with your integrity in tact!