Archive For April, 2016

The Gardens We Grow

The Gardens We Grow

Gardening season is just around the corner. Those of you garden enthusiasts are gearing up for transplanting the seeds you’ve brought to germination and getting ready to plant this years harvest. Well just like the act of gardening, our minds…

Hustle and Bustle

Hustle and Bustle

City life is filled with constant fast paced movement. Many city-dwellers rarely leave cities and connect to nature. For most of human history, human beings lived in the vastness of country-sides; however, across the world today over 55% of people…



Niwijiwagon means partner in Ojibway. The original translation referred to a friend or comrade who you went into battle with; someone who literally had your back. It is certainly nice having people who you are connected to in spiritual ways….

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Lately, I watched a Teal Swan Youtube video that struck a chord with me. She suggested repeating the mantra, “What would someone who loves themselves do?” for 365 days. Throughout my day, I stop and ask myself, “What would someone…

Time is Precious

Time is Precious

Over the last little while, I have come to realize that the greatest gift we are given is time. I’ve been thinking about my aging family members and dog and how being around them is truly a gift. A girl…

Stretch and Breathe

Stretch and Breathe

Taking time to care for our bodies is essential to overall well-being. I like to think of our bodies as the physical part of our being that does our spirit’s bidding. Taking time to breathe and stretch on a regular…