Archive For September, 2016



What brings you bliss? When are you truly happy? Life is full of happy moments! Laughter, sharing a good story and enjoying the company of those you love are some of life’s greatest gifts! Why take those treasured moments for…

Valuable Time

Valuable Time

Time is valuable! Time is also something you cannot get back. Using one’s time in productive ways is wise! As opposed to spending my time online, I’d rather use my creative time to make spiritual, sacred items like these Grandfather…



This is a powerful time for change. Recently, there has been two eclipses and with them massive energy shifts. Tonight is a Full Moon. Offering tobacco to the moon and releasing what no longer serves you is an incredible way…

Thoughts are Things

Thoughts are Things

The thoughts you think are powerful. Thoughts are energy and where thought goes energy flows. Intentionally choosing uplifting thoughts and not holding onto anger is a sure way to improve your mental well-being. Listening to uplifting speakers and reading positive…

Soul Lessons

Soul Lessons

During our lives, our soul gains wisdom through experience, trials and tribulations. As we experience pain, sorrow and heartbreak we learn. Not all people are willing to change their ways; in order, to create a different life experience. Some people…



I tend to act tough when I don’t want to be vulnerable. I allow my masculine energy to flow through me and often times close my heart to others. However, I am learning to be kind which is easier said…

Codependency and Distractions

Codependency and Distractions

Codependency kills! There are people who spend their entire lives in unhealthy, codependent relationships and do not even know it. I know from experience that codependency hurts the spirit and is extremely distracting. As a result of taking myself out…