Archive For May, 2015

Protect Bees

Protect Bees

Albert Einstein once said, “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.” Well…

Your Best Intentions

Your Best Intentions

Look around you, who do you have? Number one, you have yourself. Far too many people take their relationship with themselves for granted. Yes, people will disappoint you, yes you will feel lonely and hurt in your life. However, your…

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate can be a healthy treat to eat. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants; antioxidants protect against free radicals in the body. Choosing a high quality brand of dark chocolate that uses whole ingredients will reap most benefits for…

Your Time

Your Time

It’s extremely important to enjoy your alone time. When you’re constantly on the go, you become like a train that potentially can run off the tracks. People who tend to overwork, need to take time to slow down before possibly…

Prayer Before Meals

Prayer Before Meals

Praying before you eat is a way to show respect and honor the people and animals that made your meal available. Having an attitude of gratitude will heighten your vibration and attract positivity to you. You can pray by yourself…

Nosh on Vegetables

Nosh on Vegetables

If you’re wanting to shed unnecessary pounds an easy way to boost your metabolism is to eat more vegetables. Vegetables keep your digestive tract moving and get toxins out of your body. Organic veggies are not grown with chemical fertilizers…

Supportive Friends

Supportive Friends

In the words of the Rolling Stones, “we all need someone we can lean on” and having supportive friends allows you to do just that. Life isn’t always easy; however, with good friends life is more manageable. Right now, I…

Nurture Life

Nurture Life

Planting a seed requires patience and persistence. Taking time to water your garden and flowers ensures continued growth. Just like people in your life, sometimes, you can plant a seed and maybe you might be there to see changes come…

Stored Emotional Energy

Stored Emotional Energy

Feelings and experiences that you do not process get stuck within your body. Stored emotional pain manifests itself through illness and disease. If you do not learn how to let go of resentment and anger, you will hold those powerful…

Father’s Love

Father’s Love

Children need loving fathers. The question is how many children really have a father to love them? I am a firm believer that one must learn to love themselves before they can love anyone else. So, ladies before you choose…