Knock Em Out

Knock Em Out

The best revenge is a life lived happy! Not everyone is going to like you, not everyone is going to talk kindly about the way you live your life; c’est la vie! Albert Einstein once said, “Great spirits have always experienced violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Instead of being concerned about what other people think about you: live your own life happily!

Most people are preoccupied thinking about the distractions in their lives. I can be too. However, I now realize the importance of prayer and how praying for help and direction helps a person keep focused and in the moment.

Your life is your responsibility, so why waste it worrying about things out of your control. Be the best version of you and look good doing it! You can have what you desire as long as you manage your thinking and have the guts to do what most people are too afraid of doing! What you think, you become so rock your days and don’t waste your precious thoughts.