Archive For April, 2018

Best Friends

Best Friends

What do you look for in a best friend? Recently, I had my grade 5’s write about what they want in a best friend. The students in my class wrote about wanting honesty, respect, people who love themselves, stick up…

Magical Maybe

Magical Maybe

Social media is an intentional distraction created to fragment our time as billion dollar companies cash in on the data we spend. As someone who has done away with television for almost two decades, I’ve had an on again off…

Line Crossing

Line Crossing

The first inappropriate thing a person does to cross your boundaries is a warning. I wish I would I have left several relationships after the first time I was disappointed by the partners or friends who intentionally crossed the line….

Health and Healing

Health and Healing

Health is most important. Health can be something we take for granted without realizing it. It seems once some of us are not healthy, we appreciate our health much more. Our mind, body and spiritual well-being are our responsibility to…

Sex and distractions

Sex and distractions

It’s pretty important to feel loved and respected by those you are intimate with. As a whole, we often do not talk about the sacred nature of sex. Sex seems to be something we shy away from discussing. Buddhist teacher,…



We as a society have become accustomed to running away from our pain. It is not comfortable to feel our pain and for many it is unnatural. Unfortunately in the avoidance of our suffering, we can cause countless suffering to…

Health Now

Health Now

Our well being is our responsibility. I recently read an extraordinary teaching by Pema Chodron that we accept and reject what we are willing to tolerate and it is our choice as to what is medicine and poison in our…