Time Spent

Time Spent

How do you like to spend your days?This summer, I have spent much time with friends of a similar mindset and a substantial amount of time alone. I’ve enjoyed many days around the pool with friends and in solitude in nature. Both have been equally healing.

What kind of company do you entertain? Do your friends have similar values? If not, why do you spend time with them? I find it exhausting spending time with people who are not a vibrational match. The better we know ourselves, the more in tune with our wellness we become. Hopefully, we all learn to do the things we enjoy and learn to say no to activities and company that are draining.

Balance is something we can all aim for; balance between commitments with family, friends, work and alone time. We need to allot time to work, rest and play. What areas of your life require more time and attention? That is for you to question and think about. It is best to live one day at a time and to live in the present moment as much as you are able to.

I hope you are satisfied with the ways in which you spend your precious time.

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