Self Love

Self Love

We are suffering from a self love deficit epidemic; there are people exhibiting all sorts of underlying symptoms relating to low self worth and lack of self love. The antithesis is to love one’s self.

How does a person learn to love themselves? Typically, we learn to value ourselves from the adults in our lives. If a parent has low self esteem they cannot pass on what they do not have. Trauma in childhood has adverse effects on self esteem and often is a root cause of low self worth. At this time, it is vital to learn how to love ourselves and pass on healthy self esteem to the next generation.

First off, there is nothing wrong with you. You do not have to change anything to be worthy of your own love. Louise Hay stressed the importance of looking yourself in the eyes and saying, “I love you.” Sounds difficult, it can be at first but with consistent effort it becomes second nature.

I’ve learned to say to myself, I love you and I’m here for you. Then, I ask myself what I could to do to make myself happy throughout the day. I listen to my inner knowing and treat my mind, body and spirit with love and respect one day at a time.

There are many tips, tools and tricks that will help loving connect a person to themselves. It takes a willingness to learn and to take action. Celebrate what you are currenting doing to love yourself more each day.

As we learn to love ourselves, we no longer tolerate relationships that diminish us. It’s much better to be alone than be abused or neglected. Loving yourself means protecting yourself with healthy boundaries. Your efforts are improving our global consciousness and future generations so thank-you for loving and valuing yourself.

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