Self Worth

Self Worth

Years ago, I was listening to a Jack Canfield CD when I heard that most societal problems relate to self worth. That was quiet a few 24 hours ago; however, the sentiment now makes sense.

This past week, a girl friend’s teenage daughter was distraught over a break up. As I hugged her, I told her to build her self worth or she could expect her adult life to reflect the same situations. As a woman who struggled with self esteem and dated men who had none either, I tell you the affects were damaging.

Think about it, if we all loved ourselves enough to set healthy boundaries in all relationships, to stand up for ourselves when we know we are not being treated respectfully and to say no to people, places and situations that do not benefit our spiritual, emotional and financial well-being, how much better off would be all be?

I’ve also learned that you cannot change people. You can want the best for someone, but if they’re unwilling to change: they won’t. Also, I have learned to mind my own business to stop avoiding myself by hyper-focusing on someone else. We cannot manipulate anyone else to meet our needs. We are the only ones who have control over how we feel and feelings of worth come from the inside out.

No one can give what they do not have, so learn to not put your worth in the hands of others who do not love themselves. Honesty takes courage. Do you honestly love yourself? If not, when are you going to start to?

Sobriety, looking within myself and connecting to a Higher Power have been game changers in my life. It has by no means been easy, but neither was living a lie. I’m at a place where I can’t afford to lie to myself; it’s too injurious nor can I surround myself with dishonesty.

It is our responsibility to protect our hearts and spirits. No one is going to do it for you from the inside out, learn to stop running or denying truths in situations. Love yourself! Love yourself enough to have a true relationship with yourself. There is nothing more attractive than a person who knows their worth and lives from their heart. You deserve a life that reflects your worthiness; it’s up to you to live it.

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