Life’s Terms

Life’s Terms

Some where in the aftermath of big life changes, things start to settle down and we begin to live from day to day again. Living on life’s terms can mean going with the flow. What is your flow? Who do you comfortably like to spend your time with? And, what kind of activities do you enjoy?

This summer has brought huge changes in my world. Instead of sitting back and wallowing in the choices someone else is making, I have been living. And, I have been living well! In life, change is constant. Change can be hard, but time passes and we adjust.

Taking the time to get to know who we are, what we like and exploring our strengths and gifts is a blessing. Living on life’s terms requires a person to let go, stop playing God and enjoying the experience of living. Using cop outs like addictions is easy and self defeating! BORING!

If you know you have things to work on and work through, do so if you want to or choose not to: it’s your choice. For those of you who want to truly enjoy day to day living, you can! It just takes work and desire. I strongly suggest living the best life you can, it’s possible!