Thoughts and thinking

Thoughts and thinking

If we want happiness and peace then one must have a total psychic change to achieve it. Ask yourself what thoughts and actions lead to peace of mind? Desires direct our thoughts, desire first starts in the mind and we then act on those desires. All action first starts in thought. Addictions occur in a mind that is undisciplined and unaware of one’s own thinking.

Positive or negative actions first start with positive or negative thinking. We cannot control our thinking, but we can question our thoughts. Are they necessary? Witness your thoughts, become aware of them. Then, start asking are these thoughts adding to my life?

We can pray for our obsessions of the mind to be taken away. We also can question the thoughts and turn them around. Are they accurate? Be aware that thought leads to emotion and thought leads to action. Learning to detach, observe and question their accuracy will lead to changing the thoughts you think.

Positive actions lead to happiness; negative actions leads to pain. It all starts in thought so my best advice is start thinking about your thinking. Remember an undisciplined mind will never lead to peace of mind; you must train your mind and change the way you think if you truly want a peaceful life.