Think for Yourself

Think for Yourself

When you are distracted, you are less of a threat to a system that thrives on complacency. There is a direct correlation between consumerism and corporate big business. Every alcohol advertisement, every beauty product and car ad you see is enticing you to purchase things that control you. If a person develops an addiction, they lose themselves and their ability to stand up for their rights and the rights of others. As we indebt ourselves, we have to work longer hours to pay for the things we buy. When job security is questioned, people are less likely to ask for their rights to be upheld and extended; thus, we become further controlled by systems that do not profit our spiritual well-being and common good.

Creating fear in the minds of humankind, lessens the strength and likelihood of people joining together to improve laws and rights of citizens. We have become so doped up on the internet and television that we are not stopping to think about what is going on in the here in now, what can we do to make a difference and how will future generations be impacted on the decisions we are making now?

I, too, have been massively distracted by social media over the last month. I took a 16 month hiatus and just like that I’m back in; full force. I know one thing is for certain, living a sober life and delving into spirituality has connected me to life in ways that are unimaginable. I hope you too can know the comforts of living life close to your Higher Power and questioning the systems that we all interact and contribute to.

You thinking for yourself is powerful! We have far more power than we realize, and together we can change the course of our history! We all deserve to be loved, respected and treated with dignity and respect. We have to demand that respect and like Gandhi said, “be the change we want to see!”