In the Groove

In the Groove

I’ve been letting go of things out of my control, and I tell you it’s been a game changer. Right now, there are many things in my life that are pretty important and have an impact upon me, but they’re beyond my control.

I’ve decided to give them over to my Higher Power. Guess what, things are working out just fine. My single, Walk Away, is almost complete, and we are about to shoot the video.

I can see, my confidence is back, I’m eating better and I feel more in moment. I’m grateful for the time I’ve had to go inward and get myself back to health.

This weekend, I’ll be performing at the Summer Winds Festival and Ste Madeline Days along with my family. How incredible to be able to do what I love with those I love. Beautiful!

I relish spending time with my horses on the land and being home with my cats and turtle. I indulge in the time to be creative and do what my spirit wants. As my spirit has been able to heal, my entire being and energy have shifted. There’s no one or nothing holding me back, and it feels good!

I send you all love, check out my latest videos and upcoming shows.

Miigwetch for all the love and support,

Brandi xo 😘

(Thank you Sakihiwe Festival and Phil Star photography)