Thought Patterns

Thought Patterns

Our thoughts create our lives. I have allowed thoughts of fear and resentment to create illness and anxiety in my body. I must use my mind to overcome the PTSD and anxiety I have been stuck in. Thankfully, I start a cognitive behaviour program this month to help change my thinking and teach me new ways of thinking to help heal my mind, body, heart and spirit.

Are there are thought patterns you’ve outgrown or need to change? Are there changes you need to make? Well what are you willing to do? What is your inner intelligence guiding you toward? Any books, workshops, counselling, meetings, etc you drawn to?

There was a time, I did not know how to play guitar. I could play a few cords and basically posed with guitars in pictures. My brother once called me a faker, ha haaaaaa. Well, I made the decision and became willing to learn. Then, I took the steps necessary to play guitar. As a result of being willing to change, I am able to write my own music and perform live. If I had not been willing to learn, I would have missed the opportunity to write my own music. Look at that one choice has lead to: a promising career as a singer/songwriter.

Fears, doubts and insecurity hold us back. If you have certain thought patterns that are self defeating, where did they come from? Did someone else pass them on to you? Why believe thoughts that are self punishing? Don’t! Now is the time to love yourself.

Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and John Trudell are now in the spirit world, but their teachings are still here and available to us all. They were incredible teachers who endured much hardship and taught others to love and think for themselves. Their teachings changed and shaped my life, so it my honour to pass on their teachings and make you question your own thoughts & how you use your words against yourself.

I have my work cut for me. Thankfully, I have a plan and am doing the work necessary to get well. Recovery takes constant vigilance, and I’m the one who has to do it. It hasn’t been easy being bombarded by toxicity and experiencing a life altering accident; however, I am responsible for my thinking, I know what I want and I will not stop until I get what it is I desire.

I pray you have the determination to love yourself and work on getting rid of thought patterns that make you feel less than your true worth. Spirit needs us all to do our healing work, so we love one another and protect the children, Earth, elders and animals. I send you my love and blessings.

Thank you,

