Knowing Ourselves

Knowing Ourselves

Have you learned to identify your own needs? Are you able to recognize when you’re starting to feel dysregulated?

If not, you’re not alone.

That’s the work of our lifetime; to know and understand ourselves.

As I started out in recovery, then therapy I started to slowly get to know myself. It certainly didn’t happen over night. That’s the thing about inner work, it’s constant and on-going.

However, the results are so incredibly worth the effort. I think back to just five years ago how disconnected I was to my inner knowing and still sought validation outside myself because I still didn’t think I was worthy of love.

It was painful!

Now however, I notice when something doesn’t feel good, I better understand my emotions, take time to regulate, tune into my feelings & intuition and have set boundaries where I had none.

Am I perfect at it? Hell no. But, I better understand my behaviour and when things start to go off course.

My big thing right now is praying for protection from those who mean to do me harm and to only allow people close to me who want to build together.

That means, I’m being honest with myself when something is not meant for me and no longer clinging to people and situations I’ve outgrown.

That’s good news because I better understand what’s good for me and is in alignment with my values, future and the life I’m building.

I really hope you learn to listen to your nervous system and trust your powerful intuition. It is there to protect and guide you.