Prayer is Energy

Prayer is Energy

Prayer is action, prayer is energy.
Praying and meditating isn’t an occasional occurrence, it’s my way of life. There are people and places I’ve outgrown as they’re not growing.

Speaking from experience, connecting to Spirit on a daily basis is powerful and a complete game changer. It feels incredible being honest and sober. Spirit is able to come into my life with ease and comfort.

There is a predatory energy here on this planet. We have a choice how we want to live and we are responsible. We are not victims! We have power and we are spirit energy. The question is how many people realize their worth and protect their energy?

Yes, there is a spiritual deficit on this planet. Our allegiance shouldn’t be to companies or pop cultural distractions. We are Spirit, and most of the human population has forgotten what it means to be human. Our connection to the Earth, Universe and all of life is an essential part of being human not being a consumer or famous.

Our young ones are confused living in such madness. We cannot transmit something we do not have, so it’s impossible to teach others about spirituality if we don’t live it ourselves. However, if nothing else do not forget to pray. Pray to be guided, pray before you eat, pray for those you love, pray for help and healing, pray for those you resent; pray!

It’s easy to get caught up and ensnared in things that do not honour your Spirit. That’s easy! It’s more difficult to separate yourself from that which isn’t in alignment with Spirit and yourself. I understand (been there).

After six years of sobriety, I understand the importance of not trying to change anyone else or putting myself in a position of being hurt being around those who do not respect themselves or live by Natural Laws.

It’s entirely up to you how you want to live; we are not victims. We have choices how we want to live. My choice is to live in alignment with my Higher Power and do Spirit’s will. That’s my choice!

I live in a world where not too much is considered sacred. I keep myself well boundaried and safe from situations that drain my power that is my choice and I tell you I’m better off for it.

I send you love and pray that all my human brothers and sisters learn to coherently use their minds, have an allegiance to the Earth and remember what it means to be human. A’ho!