Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

How many of you are starting to question your level of happiness and what is standing in your way? Those of you who are, congrats, you’re taking responsibility for yourself. Recently, I was reading some of Thich Nhat Hanh’s writing, and he was discussing ill-being which is the opposite of well-being. What causes ill-being? That is an individual question; however, it takes insight to think about potential threats to one’s health. Whether it’s cravings, addictions, entanglements with people and situations there are many things that are toxic.

I have seen the writing on the wall in certain situations and have had the strength to walk away. I’m at this place in my life where I have established healthy boundaries and have no desire to be around anything that potentially drains my energy and is toxic. I, now, understand that I have put myself in a position to be hurt, set myself up for failure and tolerated disrespect. That’s on me! It was what it was; lessons. The difference is that I’m aware and I realize I am responsible for me.

Once you own your entanglements, addictions and pathological behaviors you can fix them. I see that I allowed a variety of narcissistic people in my life for a myriad of reason. Okay, I get it! Now, it’s on me to address the causes of ill-being and change my actions.

The writing is on the wall for us all to see. First, you have to see there is a problem, name and tag it then boundary yourself from those who wish to (in my case) high jack your identity and energy. There are millions of sick people in this world, you don’t have to be one them. It’s your choice!