Self Respect

Self Respect

What is self respect? How does self respect differ from self-esteem? Self esteem is definitely thinking highly of yourself. However, self respect trains people how to treat you and what you are willing to tolerate within relationships.

Our self respect is affected when we allow people to disrespect us. It doesn’t feel good when we let others talk to us and treat us disrespectfully. What is disrespect? Any time someone treats you with a lack of regard or takes you for granted that is a violation of your boundaries. Well, what are your boundaries and what are you willing to accept from others? Those are very personal questions that take awareness and a willingness to look within one’s self.

It is your responsibility to communicate your needs. If you’re upset, then it is on you to say what you’re upset about and how you expect to be treated. You will gain self respect as you respect your own choices and decision-making. Live your truth and do not accept poor behaviour from others. You deserve to be respected and you get what you think you deserve!

Tyson Anderson Photography