

This is the summer that I am calling back my spirit. I am no longer re-enacting experiences or getting into relationships that diminish my spirit. For far too long, I got myself into situations that were destined to fail in avoidance of pain. My sponsor has noted that I am going through a spiritual growth spurt.

Certain people, places and things that I used to tolerate no longer hold value. Few people walk the walk and are willing to put the time and energy into having an honest, authentic life lead with integrity. However, the masks people wear no longer are of interest to me. I have chose sobriety as a means of unearthing those parts of my life that no longer work, digging up the bones and getting to the source of my own pain.

It is time to heal. What is your medicine? What causes you confusion and has you searching outside yourself for remedy to the pain you feel? Choices I have made have affected my spirit and naturally dulled my sparkle. Those days have gone and now is the time to heal.

I am not the same person I once was; I have taken responsibility for this beautiful gift I have been given. Life is a ceremony. Every thought and action has its consequences. The spiritual life has to be lived 24/7; faith without works is dead.

How we live is a choice. Love will heal us; love yourself and heal the wounds that bind you from being your true, authentic self. There is much help out there for those who want to live in accordance with natural law. We are not meant to live in trauma; we are meant to flourish and be happy.

Happiness is a choice. You can choose to learn how to be happy, do the work necessary and then be an example to others that happiness is truly a choice. Happiness comes from the inside out; it shines and radiates from those who live by their spirit. Call back your spirit, stop wounding yourself in situationships that little by little take pieces of you. Have the courage to go within. Look at those parts of your life that have been painful. Process the pain. I am.

I have total faith that Spirit will bring to me what is meant for me, granted I am willing to take responsibility for my mind, body and spiritual health. No one is going to save you from pain. You are the one who with the help of your Higher Power and support group who have to change the way you think and behave each and everyday. It isn’t easy; however it is possible.

Protect your spirit! Gaa zah gin

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