Mino Pimatiziwan

Mino Pimatiziwan

What do you consider to be the good life? Mino Pimatiziwan means good life in Ojibway and lately I have been asking people what do they think makes for an incredible life. First and foremost, one must have a healthy, functional relationship with themselves in order to be emotionally available to others. It is impossible to feel good if you are constantly at odds with yourself. It certainly takes a willingness to do the work necessary to feel comfortable within one’s own being.

That being said, having a connection to community and a higher power are important. Serving others does bring happiness. It is indescribable how it feels to give one’s spirit energy to helping and improving the lives of others. In our fast paced society, some times, people lose sight of that connection. Do you have any voids in your life that you just can’t seem to fill? If so, then it is time to start asking yourself what parts of your life are not quite in balance.

Balance makes for a good life. Balancing your needs and the needs of others takes boundaries and self worth. When one does not constantly seek outside of themselves for happiness, they do not look to others as their source of happiness. That is why I ask you to question yourself as to what makes you happy. We are here to enjoy ourselves, life is not meant to be a constant struggle. It is up to you to figure out what makes for a good life and to appreciate what you do have. Have a great week and enjoy life’s riches.

Raising Your Consciousness