Taking Care of Yourself

Taking Care of Yourself

How well do you take care of yourself? Do you tend to your emotional needs? If you are not taking the best care of yourself then what are you waiting for? Stress releases stress hormones which can generate illnesses. Burn out comes when we do not take of ourselves.

A question I have learned to constantly ask myself is what do I want to do? Most people do not stop and satisfy their needs. If you are not taking time to take care of yourself, who will? Our emotional needs are our responsibility. It is easy to avoid addressing ourselves, our needs and healing our past traumas. It takes courage to look within and do the inner work necessary to experience peace and happiness. It does start with a willingness to take care of ourselves.

From there, we are able to connect to our essence and be present. When we stay stuck in our pain, we are unable to enjoy being in the moment. So, take the time to think about what you want and what will make you feel good. There is certainly plenty of opportunities to learn and grow each day. Be sure not to neglect yourself! The fact is the better you care for yourself, the better you can care for others. You deserve the best possible treatment and you’re just the person to give it. Be well!