
My Dad and I had a near death experience in Alberta early this week. We both seen an oncoming semi truck with a gravel trailer hit into the car we were in on the way to the airport. I closed my eyes and prayed. Once I heard my Dad’s voice and caught my breath outside of the vehicle, I put down some sage and smudged. By the grace of Spirit and our protectors, my Father and I lived through something that could have taken our lives.

My job is not done. I am here to help others think for themselves, connect them back to the earth and love themselves. I trust what I feel. We, humans, need to live in balance. I literally seen my life before my eyes, but that experience provided me with the knowledge we are responsible for our intelligence and our spiritual identity.

The night before my cousin and I prayed together, I asked for help from several ancestors and spirit helpers, guide and my clan. That morning, I laid out medicine to protect my father and I had medicine in my suitcase in the car. I am here for a reason! And that reason is to learn, teach, help, live and love.

Immediately after the collision, I contacted those I love. I know I am loved, I know I am needed and I am thankful my Dad was safe. I am one person, but I am one person who is responsible for my thinking and I am here to teach others what I have learned. Our intelligence must be respected. Our thoughts and creativity are part of our intelligence as are your vibration. I heard John Trudell say, “We have to live while we are alive!” I agree.

I was thankful that on my flight home, I sat beside one of my favorite Metis Canadian authors. We visited like old friends. He played me a song on his flute and I sang him a song on my rattle. The spiritual life is not a theory, it has to be lived and I choose to live it one day at a time.

You can order, Raising Your Consciousness, online.

Listen to David Bouchard’s The Drum Softly Calls.