

What does Christmas represent? What values are you passing on about the spirit of Christmas? How many people stop to think about where the presents, decorations and other goodies come from? Considering the vast majority of items we buy come from overseas produced by cheap labor and are shipped across the ocean, then transported by train and truck. Why are we not thinking about where these goods come from?

Children must be taught from a young age to value what they receive and to take care of their belongings respectfully. Children learn from what they live with, so as adults and caregivers it is our responsibility to pass on traditions and values that are meaningful.

This Christmas did you think of others who are less fortunate? In Winnipeg, donations to Winnipeg Harvest and the Christmas Cheerboard are down. Granted we are all responsible for our own well-being, it is important to keep a spirit of kindness and care towards those who hopefully sooner than later will be responsible for themselves. Do what you can to help support others, together we can all do something to strengthen our communities.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and do take some time for yourself as this time of year can be overwhelming. Remember what is important and think about where the purchases you buy come from. Enjoy your holidays with those you love.

For your copy of Raising Your Consciousness

Photo compliments of C Rasmussen Photography