

Why is it important to be discerning? The more discerning you become the better you will protect yourself against people and situations that could potentially harm you.

It is necessary to be aware of your surroundings and who you’re around. Many people have not learned to listen to their own intuition, their inner knowing, which we all have. Yet, many people have lost their connection to themselves and are not practiced at the art of listening to their intuition and bodies.

Canadian physician, Gabor Mate, teaches that our body is responsible for protecting us. Whether or not, you realize it, your body talks to you to let you know what is safe and what is alarming to your health. Your body is your first defence and its job is to keep you safe.

Learn to tune into how you’re feeling in certain situations and individuals. If you feel something is not right, question why you’re feeling that way and do not ignore your inner knowing. You are responsible for your well-being and discerning is essential to good health. Be cautious who you’re around and where you go throughout 2018, Happy New Year.