Love You

Love You

What makes for happy relationships? They come when people are at peace with themselves. There will never be peaceful, soulful love if both partners are at odds with themselves. How can people give what they do not have? They can’t!

This is the path I’ve taken: I chose sobriety, connected to a Higher Power, grounded myself deeply within the earth, distanced myself from sick people, excavated the depths of my soul through intensive healing work, started using my creativity to serve others and viola I’m experiencing more peace than I ever thought possible.

I am at a place where I am connected to my inner being and trust in what I need and want. That means I’m not dependent on one person or thing for my worth or happiness.

Is it impossible to be happy? Absolutely not! But, you have to stop searching outside of yourself and be ready to do the work necessary to heal and change the ways you’ve always thought and done things.

We live in a traumatized traumatizing world. For millennia people have lost their connection to themselves, the earth and their spiritual life. However, right now there are more opportunities than ever before to learn from others who have been down the road that leads to happiness.

Life is not short! It is a long, beautiful journey and our paths are entirely our own to choose. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that path to happiness and peace leads back to you. ❤️