Archive For January, 2015

You’re Worth More Than a Hook-Up

You’re Worth More Than a Hook-Up

Sex is sacred so is your body. You are worth more than a hook up! I’m not saying that sex is wrong or you should feel ashamed of your sexuality; what I am saying is own your sexual power and…

You’re in Charge of Your Self Worth

You’re in Charge of Your Self Worth

You are loveable and deserving of your own love. We as women must learn to love and value ourselves, if we expect our lives to change. For far too long, women have learned that we are not equal to men…

Love Your Life

Love Your Life

The most powerful force in this world is love! There is no force more powerful and healing in the world as love. Many people live their whole lives scared to love and scared to be hurt. One of the biggest…

Pick a Career You Love

Pick a Career You Love

Pick a career that you truly enjoy and that you could see yourself doing for the love of it. If you enjoy making Youtube videos and putting them online teaching people how to apply eyeliner, or you take lovely pictures…

Enthusiasm Attracts Success

Enthusiasm Attracts Success

Your attitude has everything to do with your happiness and success. Having an enthusiastic attitude attracts more of what you desire to you. When you are grateful, you attract more blessings to be grateful for. You are a magnetic and…

Sacred Connection to Life

Sacred Connection to Life

Each and every single one of us is brought to this planet for a reason. Unfortunately, many people have lost their connection to the earth, to Creator, to their purpose, and connection to others: humans, animals, plants, trees, the waters,…

Affirmations and Self Talk

Affirmations and Self Talk

Every word you speak is an affirmation. Affirmations create your life experiences good and bad. If you are constantly complaining, you are going to attract more things to complain about. On the flip side, if you are grateful and are…

Ditch the Booze

Ditch the Booze

It seems as if recreational drinking is a coming of age ceremony in our society. Well, let me tell you that advertising companies and corporate America spend billions of dollars making drinking seem glamorous. The truth be told, whether it’s…

You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

According to my favorite health expert, Tosca Reno, 80% of what we look like is what we eat. I could write a whole book about what to eat. I’m going to keep things short and sweet! The number one food…

Make Water Your Drink of Choice

Make Water Your Drink of Choice

Drink water! You should aim at drinking 8 cups of water a day. As soon as you wake up, drink 1-2 glasses of water to get your kidneys optimally functioning. Also, drink a glass of water with every meal. Your…