You’re in Charge of Your Self Worth

You’re in Charge of Your Self Worth

You are loveable and deserving of your own love. We as women must learn to love and value ourselves, if we expect our lives to change. For far too long, women have learned that we are not equal to men and that our worth is based upon our bodies. Well girls, if we want our future generations to be strong, healthy, happy,  independent women, we must take the lead and learn to love ourselves now.

Children learn to value themselves based on the relationships they have with their parents. If a women is not being treated well in a relationship or she does not treat her own body with love, her children will learn that they too are not deserving of love. If you have children, do your best to not demean yourself in front of them or if you’re an older sister encourage your younger siblings to love and value themselves.

Your self-worth is not something you want to leave up to someone else. Being in a relationship does not make you worthy of love. First and foremost, you must love yourself; no one is going to respect you if you don’t love and know your worth. You are deserving of a great life filled with love, happiness, prosperity and peace. Love and accept yourself with all your heart!