Affirmations and Self Talk

Affirmations and Self Talk

Every word you speak is an affirmation. Affirmations create your life experiences good and bad. If you are constantly complaining, you are going to attract more things to complain about. On the flip side, if you are grateful and are appreciative of yourself, you will receive more blessings into your life.

On a daily basis write out 5 things you like about yourself; your arms, nose, ability to draw, your bum, smile, eye color. For some of you, it might feel impossible to identify anything that you like about yourself. However, this activity I call your “I ams,” will help you build your self-esteem. I write my I ams as I eat breakfast. Writing out your I ams will imprints in your mind that you are loveable and worthwhile. Jot down at least five things you admire about yourself and use the statement I am.

I am: beautiful smart sexy funny loveable cool

What do you want most in your life? You must get clear about what you desire most. The words I am are the most powerful words you speak; therefore, you must ditch negative self-talk. The wisest thing I have ever learned is to stop all forms of self-criticism. One of the egos best and cruelest tricks is using self-criticism as a form of punishment against you.

Create your own positive affirmations; I am loveable, I am beautiful inside and out, I deserve my own love, I approve of myself and repeat your own individualized affirmations all throughout your day. Eliminating self-criticism will change your life!