Up Your Worth Game

Up Your Worth Game

Do you realize how amazing and blessed you are? Do you have a clue what a work of art you are? I don’t think most people truly realize what they’re worth or how remarkable they are.

We live in a world that makes us feel unworthy for being born, not good enough and worthless based on materialistic values. As one ups their self worth game and strengthens the spiritual foundation upon which they live their entire life shifts.

My mind is not infiltrated with television advertisements, social media posts or magazine photoshopped images. I guard my consciousness like the rare diamond it is. I do not allow a world that feeds off our spirit energy to lower my worth or vibration.

You are a human being. You have been blessed with a mind, body and soul. How you think affects your actions; thus, those actions dictate your life. I’m going to let you in on a little secret: there is nothing wrong with you. Whoever made you feel less than felt unworthy themselves. Enough! Do the work necessary to have the best, most healthiest relationship with yourself and a Higher Power as you choose it.

I pray in this lifetime, we all realize how extraordinary we are and we stop sabotaging our happiness and lowering our self worth by thinking and acting in ways that hurt ourselves and others. Evolve or stay the same, it’s your choice just know you’re worth an extraordinary life lead by your healed heart, powerful mind and spirit energy. 💋