Your Wants

Your Wants

What do you want for yourself? No matter what age you are, no matter your circumstances are, what do you still want for yourself? Time is limited, you only have so many spins around the sun. Recently, I stuck by a statement John Mellencamp repeatedly said on a spoken word documentary, “There is no reward in this world for settling for what you don’t want.” His honesty resonated with me. Why is that some people settle for things they are not content with? And yet, they complain and live in various states of discontentment.

My question is what is stopping you? I’ve always been one to get what I want. It has taken patience, diligence and sometimes the things I wanted that did not turn out. However, I figure you get this one life, right now, to enjoy yourself and live from your heart. You are here to live, learn and heal. Settling is never going to satisfy your soul. See what you want, set the intentions of your desires and work at things daily. It takes consistent effort to yield results. Do not give up on yourself, you deserve to be happy and live your highest good. Make your dreams a reality, one day at a time.