New Life

New Life

After the rain comes new growth. Life can’t be all sunshine without thunder storms and lightning. We are continually evolving and hopefully coming toward the light. Let’s face it, there is plenty of darkness in this world and plenty of ways to be tripped up. However, when you are grounded within yourself and a Higher Power it is much easier to get back on track and re-evaluate life’s foils and tribulations.

When you actually love and respect yourself, you do not have to be anyone else. You have the confidence to be yourself. You know what is right according to your values and act consistently. Granted not everyone is going to get there, but we are constantly learning and experiencing new circumstances for us to possibly grow.

I see too many people acting against their values in fear. Fear of upsetting someone else, fear of being rejected, fear of loneliness; whatever those fears may be, they have people acting out of sorts. It has taken strength and confidence to get to a place where I am able to stand alone. Granted, friendship provides me with a real source of strength, it’s nice to be in place where the friendships I nurture are ones that are based on mutual respect and truth.

The way you live, your happiness, who you surround yourself with, your priorities, and your sources of strength are all your responsibility. My question is do you look to others to meet those needs? If you do, how long are you going to continue living that way? A chance at a new life is always available, you just have to be willing to do things different and be open to learning new ways. The choice is yours!