Small Stuff

Small Stuff

Have you ever heard the saying life is all about the small stuff? It’s not clique to understand that the small everyday activities you do make up your life. How often do you buy a new car, go on a big trip, get married, etc? Not everyday! However, each and everyday you can get great enjoyment out of living.

Why take for granted the small delights you’re blessed with? Think about what makes you happy and puts a smile on your face, is it visiting with your friends over the lunch hour, cutting the grass, gardening, recess, biking, or having a good sleep? Why wait to enjoy yourself when those big ticket items and experiences come along? Time is fleeting and when you’re stuck in the ego nothing will ever be enough.

Living in the present means being emotionally, mentally and spiritually alive. Present moment living is a sure way to live without regret. No matter what your circumstances are, it is possible to get into the habit of doing what you enjoy. You are here now, do what you need to do to heal, evolve and be present today. Enjoy the small stuff!