Walk A Mile

Walk A Mile

Have you judged someone? Be honest, we all have. Really, before judging someone it is best to walk a mile in their moccasins. It is easy to judge; however, it takes real strength to have empathy and tolerance for others. You never really know what someone is going through or what they have been through.

Only recently have people started to talk about their life experiences to better understand themselves. For generations the majority of people suffered in silence with the goings-on in their lives. Abuse and dysfunction was passed on from generations without the understanding or healing necessary to change behaviors.

The good news is we are at a place in our human history where we can have some awareness acceptance, empathy, forgiveness and love than ever before. In order to change the way we treat one another, we must stop judging people without thinking about what traumas they might have experienced. I know I can harshly judge people who are cruel to children and animals. Only when I stop and think about what they must have endured to have become so cruel, do I see the humanity in the worst of people.

A good place to start is to accept and love yourself, then you can be gentle on others. We have a lot of healing to do in a short amount of time. I have heard great thinkers predict it’s going to take 5-6 generations to change things around. All I know is any amount of work we do emotionally and spiritually on our ourselves will help benefit all life on this planet. I send you my love and prayers.

Brandi xo

(Moccasins made by C. Longbottom a Metis elder in Manitoba)