Teaching Kindness

Teaching Kindness

What is kindness? When was the last time you were kind to someone else? How can we expect people to be kind to others when they are not kind to themselves? How do we teach kindness? Kindness is being considerate of others; specifically being considerate of their feelings. Children who are criticized learn to criticize others. It is of vital importance to speak kind to and in front of children. Children are constantly learning. They pick up on subtle behaviors, we adults tend to take for granted. When you are kind to children you are investing in community.

Kindness is rooted in action and thought. How can we be kind? We can be kind with our words. There is no need to judge others and put another human being down. So many people suffer from low self-esteem. Instead of focusing what you do not like about yourself, focus on what you are grateful for and do not let mean spirited comments of others control how you feel.

Our world needs a lot more kindness, patience and love. It isn’t difficult to be kind. It does not require huge acts or expensive gifts, kindness is free and takes little time. Far too many people are constantly thinking about how their needs can be met and focus on what they want. Instead try doing at least two kind things for other people (do not tell anyone what you did) and see how you feel. Don’t wait for the perfect time to be kind. Flash your beautiful smile more often and realize you deserve to feel good, remember it is entirely up to you how you choose to live your life and we all could benefit from a little more kindness