Let Go

Let Go

Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to let go and let our Higher Power work things out for us. Taking time for yourself to relax and balance your own energy is critical, if you want to maintain optimal health.

For as much as you love someone else, you can only make decisions for yourself. Through struggle comes change. Martin Luther King Jr., Rachel Carson and Parmahansa Yogananda all took great risks within their lives, and the decisions they made to help uplift the lives of others will never go unforgotten.

In those times of struggle, you can sit back, pray and invest time taking care of yourself. My Granny tells me, “Prayer will carry you through.” So like my Granny, I pray for those I love and let my Higher Power work things out. You can ask the people you care about, how can I help you? Listen to the respond a person gives, then do what you can to help them through their difficulties. Allow your capacity to love to grow and hold strong to your faith in those times when you need it most. Believe that change is possible and situations will improve for the better.