Best Friends

Best Friends

What do you look for in a best friend? Recently, I had my grade 5’s write about what they want in a best friend. The students in my class wrote about wanting honesty, respect, people who love themselves, stick up for them and do not lie. They wrote about having friends who are kind, who have similar values and likes and who are trustworthy.

Before you can be a great friend, you have to be a solid friend to yourself. If you are filled with self deception and insecurity; it is impossible to truly be emotionally available to others.

I can honestly say the closest friends I have want the best for me and have the courage to tell me when they don’t think something is best for me. Plus, I can count on my friends to never deceive me! I had let untrustworthy people close to me and let me tell you that was a mistake I would not repeat.

Choose friends who will tell you truth, want the best for you and will stick up for you (even when you’re not able or willing to yourself), and who would instantly tell an ex where to go if they were intentionally talking them to get back at you. Best friends will always have your back and treat you with the love, loyalty and dignity you deserve! Cherish your friendships; they are gifts.