Repeated Lessons

Repeated Lessons

It’s actually an interesting phenomenon when someone learns soul lessons and overcomes repeated patterns they’ve experienced. I’m sure many of you can identify with parts of your life that were not working and almost miraculously you were able to overcome them when the lesson was finally learned. It is almost like you recoil from the idea of re-living the same pattern once you have learned what you needed to learn.

Unfortunately far too many people do not realize their worth and in many circumstances settle for less than they deserve. I’m going to focus on relationships. Finally, the age old saying, you cannot transmit what you don’t have makes sense to me. In all actuality, there is no way someone can love and respect you if they do not love and respect themselves. It is impossible! I get that now. Before trying to have a relationship with someone else, love and value yourself so you’ll be able to identify what you want in a relationship and attract someone from a higher consciousness.

The bigger question is what is unhealed within you that keeps you repeating the same soul damaging patterns? Do you not feel you deserve love and respect? Do you feel unworthy and suffer with self hatred? Those are questions you need to examine and take courage to look at and identify. Awareness is the first step in change, acceptance and action have to follow suit if you want permanent change.

Soul lessons will keep repeating themselves until the lessons are learned. Once the lessons are understood, you will move forward and let go of what no longer serves you. The key is let go gently and allow yourself the opportunity to co-create with the universe an extraordinary life, you are worth it! xo

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