Why I’ve Gone Vegan

Why I’ve Gone Vegan

This video is near and dear to my heart, Why I’ve Gone Vegan, gives insight about my decision making to become vegan. I hope you enjoy the message; thank you for your love and support. Miigwetch, Marci, Brandi xo

Walk Away Single

Walk Away Single

My follow up single to Walk Away will soon be on its way. Thank you for all the support and love with my first single, Walk Away, I truly appreciate it. Miigwetch, Brandi xo

Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health

This YouTube video is about Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health. I am speaking from experience about ways in which I take care of myself when I’m struggling. I hope you hear something that helps you in those…

Stress and Wellness

Stress and Wellness

Over the course of the last few years, I have experienced some serious medical ailments; a combination of toxic environments, repression of anger and experiencing a major accident. However, life has continued to provide many goodies and opportunities in the…

Anxiety and PTSD

Anxiety and PTSD

Right now, I am in 12 weeks of a PTSD Cognitive Processing Thearpy. I’m quite fortunate to be receiving insight about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and steps on how to return to alignment and balance. I had been selected to…

Getting What You Want

Getting What You Want

In my latest video, Getting What You Want, I share four of my top tips to help you get what you want most. Be sure to check it out, marci, Brandi xo



Have you ever worked under a great leader? I have twice. Both those leaders were fair, trusted those who worked under them and treated the people they lead with respect. I was blessed to work under a great family man…



This past year has seen some of my goals and hard work come to fruition. 2019 has brought incredible blessings, hardships, lessons and opportunities. It’s not like everything I’ve ever wanted was handed to me; I’ve had to consistently work…

Thought Patterns

Thought Patterns

Our thoughts create our lives. I have allowed thoughts of fear and resentment to create illness and anxiety in my body. I must use my mind to overcome the PTSD and anxiety I have been stuck in. Thankfully, I start…

Pray and Plan

Pray and Plan

Have you ever felt extremely overwhelmed? Have you ever felt there was no way out of despair? I know I have. It is easy to become depressed when you feel overwhelmed and option less. I have learned to surrender my…