Stress and Wellness

Stress and Wellness

Over the course of the last few years, I have experienced some serious medical ailments; a combination of toxic environments, repression of anger and experiencing a major accident. However, life has continued to provide many goodies and opportunities in the midst of all this stress. I could continue to be stuck in negativity leading to more illness, but I’m the one who suffers (and inevitably those closest to me). I think out of the bad comes good. All that I have been learning about anxiety, stress and PTSD I’m sharing my experience, strength and hope with others. Granted, I can’t transmit what I don’t have; therefore, I’m sharing the process of healing I’m on.

As you know, I am a deeply spiritual person; recovery has gifted me this way of thinking and life. I know my Ancestors, guides and Higher Power are protecting and guiding me in a good way. I am most grateful to know in my heart and spirit no matter what, things are working out for me. To be honest, these past two years have been extremely trying, and I have gone through bouts of depression and undue physical stress. There have been times when I felt so exhausted, frustrated and hopeless, but thankfully the support of those who care about me, my Higher Power, and prayers I have learned have all carried me through these challenging times.

Easily, I could have given up or stayed resentful, but that’s not the life purpose I’m meant to have. I’ve been given the strength to assert myself and the support to step away from poisonous environments and people. (Miigwetch Kizhay Manitou) My suggestion to you is stop doing things that you don’t want to do and trust your gut feelings. If there are people you don’t want to meet up with or you are exhausted and don’t have the energy to do something you don’t want to: don’t. So many people, get stuck doing things they don’t want because they feel guilty if they don’t: what nonsense! You’re still worthy and loveable even if you say no and speak your feelings.

Stress kills! What does one gain when they force themselves to do things that don’t feel good and are bad for their health? That’s something I’ve learned to say, “No” to that which is not good for my well-being. It doesn’t mean I’m a bad person because I admit things are not working and I refuse to tolerate certain bad behaviours of others. If something induces extreme stress responses within me, I don’t do it anymore; I have experienced too much sickness to continue to.

I pray you have the confidence, strength and support to say no to that which is hurting your mind, body, spirit and heart. Chronic stress kills! My Ancestors, Higher Power, guides and Spirit are leading me; I know I am protected. Ladies, we do not have to shut up and be quiet anymore. We can say how we feel, we can be heard and stand up for ourselves.

First and foremost, I hope you all love ourselves, work through your childhood trauma, pick partners and jobs you love and know you deserve to feel safe and relaxed in your life. Children pick up on our stress; therefore, it’s our responsibility to be honest with ourselves, someone else and work toward wellness each and everyday.

I send you love and alignment.


Brandi xo