Little Moccasins

Little Moccasins

All parents want the best for their children. Parents can only pass on what they know and in most cases what they do not realize is still effecting them today. Children experience multi-generational trauma passed on to them from their parents. If parents do their healing work necessary then children do not have to take on parents’ conscious and unconscious pain.

Child Psychiatrist, Stanley Greenspan wisely wrote, “If our society were to appreciate the significance of children’s emotional ties throughout the first years of life, it would no longer tolerate children growing up, or parents having to struggle, in situations that cannot possibly nourish healthy growth.”

Along with Stanley Greenspan pediatrician Gabor Mate suggests that children require a loving, nurturing in-utero experience as well as an environment where both parents are non-stressed, non-depressed, consistent and loving toward one another and them. Families are the building blocks of any nation, why is it we are seeing an epidemic of single-parents raising children?

Whether or not we want to admit it, we all have our healing work to do not only for ourselves but for our children. I think the little ones being born today face many challenges, but it is our duty to give them an opportunity to healthily grow in their little moccasins into our future parents, leaders and elders. Our babies need two parents and a community of adults to raise them up right and strong. Now is the time more than ever to heal our multi-generational trauma so our children do not have to take it on and will have the opportunity to develop healthily and happily.