Mental Chatter

Mental Chatter

In any given moment, we can choose loving thoughts over fearful ones. It isn’t easy to train ourselves to live in the present moment, to push away doubt and not absorb the negativity and judgement of others. Getting stuck within our own heads and letting fearful thoughts consume our thinking is not enjoyable. With enough drama and chaos a person can easily manifest sickness in their body. A body that is under constant duress eventually becomes sick and worn down.

Often, we do not realize that our thinking has the most profound impacts upon our lives. Being conscious of how you are feeling and what you are thinking are two sure ways to safeguard your mental well-being. Fear is a great controller of mankind; being stuck in fearful thinking doesn’t allow one to be free of negative mental chatter and doubt.

Praying for guidance in those times when fear is playing tricks on your mind can help. As does, honoring your own decision making and intuition. Allowing others’ opinions and behaviors to control you is a form of emotional abuse. Learning to not doubt your own thinking and decision making will improve your confidence and self worth. You can change the way you think and unmistakably the way you feel by lovingly trusting that things are going to work out great for you!