All Life is Sacred

All Life is Sacred

We are spiritually connected to all life. As mentioned before, the earth plane does have a harsh and cruel vibration. Doing away with all forms of cruelty will help lift the vibration of our planet. We are connected to the plants, animals, birds and cold blooded creatures; no life form is less than. Seeing life as sacred maintains balance on our planet. Right now, humans are out of balance in the web of life. However, we can change our ways if and only if we have compassion for all living beings.

As a school teacher, it brings me joy to connect children to the earth. Not all people have the same worldviews, but we can collectively learn to love and revere all living spirits. Energetically, we are connected, so what happens to one affects us all. If you know someone or some living being is not being treated with love and respect, I hope you have the courage to do what you can. I leave you with the wise words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”