Eyes Tell the Story

Eyes Tell the Story

Two days before this picture was taken, a student whom I loved and spent two years with in my homeroom, committed suicide. I was a complete mess prior to this photo shoot. If you pay close attention to my eyes, you will see a sincere sadness in my eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul; therefore, if you really want to understand a person’s emotions and feelings, look into their eyes.

Eyes have a way of communicating that only the soul can feel and perceive; a person’s eyes do not lie. Take time to look for the emotions someone is conveying with the convictions in their eyes. Trust your intuition as to what you sense and feel: your intuition is the voice of your soul. Feeling a person’s energy becomes easier as you learn to trust your own vibes and truly connect on an emotional level with another person. Look into their eyes to sense what their heart feels.