Children’s Future

Children’s Future

Your thoughts, words and actions have an impact on your children’s future. It is extremely important to read to children in order to build their vocabulary and prepare them for success in school.

Children who are born into poverty often have a very difficult time taking themselves out of the circumstances they were born into. We are all interconnected; thus, it is important to encourage all parents and caregivers to spend time reading and paying attention to their child’s emotional needs.

Infancy is a time when a baby takes in everything in the environment. Violence in the home, malnutrition and a lack of nurturing are toxic environments. Being sure to pick partners to co-parent with takes forethought and planning. People tend to parent the way they were parented unless they take it upon themselves to learn new behaviors. Parenting is the most important job on this planet and from what I can see: the hardest.

All parents want the best for their children, so as an educator and child advocate, please read to your babies, hold them, hug them and tell them they’re loved. Keep in mind, your relationship with your partner has the most profound impact upon your children, so be aware of your words, thoughts and actions.