Be Cautious Who You Spend Time With

Be Cautious Who You Spend Time With

Just like your life purpose, you cannot leave who you spend your time with up to chance. Whether you realize it or not, every single mind you spend time with has an effect upon your conscious and subconscious mind. The words, thoughts and actions of those you hang out and talk with are absorbed into your being and energy. Be sure to choose friends and lovers who are healthy and positive in mind, body and soul.

You must be cautious with whom you invite into your life. Take your time getting to know someone, truly listen to them when they speak and pay attention to your own intuition if you trust the person or if they are going to add value to your life. Each person who plays a role in your life must bring spiritual, emotional or financial benefit to you. In any healthy relationship, both parties must bring value to one another’s life. If one friend or lover constantly takes and adds misery to your life, think long and hard what value this person is adding to your life. Friendships and intimate loving relationships take time to evolve, be cautious who you allow into your world.