Love and Value Our Planet

Love and Value Our Planet

David Suzuki a great Canadian scientist and activist so eloquently stated, “What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves.” We, humans, must remember that we are from the earth and whatever shall happen to earth happens to us. If our planet is sick, we too become ill. We are at a critical time in our human history, right now our planet is being destroyed and disrespected all across the globe. We are not living within the natural laws of life, and far too many people are disconnected from the land; thus, they are not treating the earth with respect and dignity.

We all need to stop and think about where the products we buy come from, how they’re produced, who produced them and what impact our purchases are having upon our planet. Choices as simple as  purchasing an average cup of coffee have major implications upon the earth. Coffee beans have to be grown, most with poisonous pesticides, trees must be cut down to make cups, oil is dug out of the bowels of the earth and refined to make lids, then all of these products individually have to be shipped and delivered using fossil fuels that are mined from the earth, to a coffee shop. Not to mention the cream, sugar, stir sticks, artificial sweeteners and whatever else we put into our cup of coffee to get us going in the morning.

Here are a few suggestions to lessen your impact on the planet:

  • Buy locally produced foods to cut down on fossil fuel consumption
  • Recycle your disposable drink lids
  • Turn your tap off when you’re brushing your teeth
  • Purchase organic foods to lessen the usage of pesticides in our soils
  • Eat a meatless meal

On a daily basis, making simple choices to lessen your impact earth adds up and makes a difference. Even if it’s one person consciously purchasing products that do not trash the environment, that one person’s efforts alone make a difference on a daily basis. Remember whatever happens to our planet happens to us and the plants & animals alike. Learn about more ways to love and value your planet; thus, making life better for future generations to come.