Smudging: Mind, Body and Spirit

Smudging: Mind, Body and Spirit

An elder once told me, “Life is a ceremony.” The spiritual life is a way of life each and every day, not just when I go to ceremonies or church. I smudge my mind, body and spirit daily to connect me to life and Creator. Upon waking up, I give my life over to my Higher Power to lead me in the direction I am most needed. In the morning, before my day gets rolling I smudge my being using sage.

Sage is one of the four sacred medicines Creator gave Indigenous people. Sage is a woman’s medicine; thus, a woman can use sage when she is on her time to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. I like to pick my own sage in the late summer and fall, I pick enough sage to last the winter and spring months. I lay out tobacco and thank Creator and Mother Earth for their medicine used to lead me in a kind way.

I like to burn sweet grass and sage in combination. I pray using sage and sweet grass to cleanse my chakras along with my eyes, ears, mouth, legs and feet. I ask my Higher Power to help me to speak kind words, to only hear the loving things people say, to direct my words in a way to do no harm in lives of others and to lead my body throughout the day in a humble way. I connect to all seven of my chakras as I meditate and pray, cleansing each one of my energy centers.

The more often I pray, the better I feel. We are spiritual beings, prayer connects us to life. When I love Creator, I love myself when I love myself I am able to love and respect other people, animals and the earth. Smudge your mind, body and spirit daily and remember life is sacred!

(Tyson Anderson Photography)