

Vegetarianism has been around for many millennia. Consciously choosing to not cause suffering to other living beings is not something new. I have been a vegetarian on and off since childhood. I will say in the times when I have eaten meat, I have struggled with my decision making. And, my heart hurt for the suffering these animals have to endure at human hands. Now not all animals are raised in factory farms where cruelty is the norm; however, far too animals live in conditions that no living being should ever have to endure.

Eating a full plant-based, whole food diet has been shown to be health improving. People can live without consuming the flesh and parts of animals and they can healthily. If becoming a vegetarian is not something you are willing to do, at least try to eat meatless meals, watch What the Health and buy free range options.

Notable vegetarians:

Jane Goodall Albert Einstein Paul McCartney
Shania Twain Leonardo da Vinci Al Gore
Kristen Bell Rosa Parks Pamela Anderson
Ellen DeGeneres Bridgette Bardot Mohandas Gandhi