Body Talk

Body Talk

Gabor Mate teaches that our body is responsible for protecting us. Whether or not, you realize it, your body talks to you to let you know what is safe and what is alarming to your health. Your body is your first defence and its job is to keep you safe.

This past year, I underwent major stress. I broke out in a rash and acne. I did not distance myself from what was stressing me. Then, my back and shoulders started to ache. I visited my chiropractor, I went for massages, I took pain killers yet nothing stopped the pain.

I have also known people who have had pinched nerves, developed major stress related illnesses such as colitis, diabetes and various forms of cancer.

Like Gabor Mate says, the body says no when we are unable to. Since distancing myself from stressors, my back no longer aches, I sleep throughout the night and my skin has cleared up.

Talk to your body. Ask it what it wants to tell you. Sounds weird but it isn’t! I have a new found respect for my body considering she was trying her best to protect me from that which was toxic to my health. Your body will always let you know what isn’t good for your health: listen!